Jeanne Silverthorne
Studio Floor with Dandelions and Firefly, 2010-2015
Platinum silicon rubber, wire
13 1/2 x 25 x 13 inches
Edition 1/3
Jeanne Silverthorne
Two Sunflowers, 2015
Platinum silicon rubber, phosphorescent pigment
17 1/2 x 20 x 7 inches
Edition 1/3

Jeanne Silverthorne
Deadly Nightshade: Early Frost, 2015
Platinum silicon rubber, phosphorescent pigment
13 1/2 x 15 x 7 inches
Edition 1/3

Jeanne Silverthorne
The Rose is Obsolet III, 2015
Platinum silicon rubber, florescent and phosphorescent pigment
12 1/2 x 11 1/2 x 5 inches
Edition 1/3

Jeanne Silverthorne
Untitled (Bad Ideas), 2007
Platinum silicon rubber, phosphorescent pigment, metal
20 x 15 x 20 inches
Edition 2/3

Jeanne Silverthorne
Deadly Nightshade, 2010
Platinum silicon rubber, phosphorescent pigment
17 x 20 x 6 inches
AP from an edition of 3

Jeanne Silverthorne
Phosphorescent Blue with Bees, 2008
Platinum silicon rubber, phosphorescent pigment
24 1/4 x 20 1/2 x 5 inches
AP from an edition of 3

Jeanne Silverthorne
Long Fuse and Short Fuse on Crate, 2011
Platinum silicon rubber, phosphorescent pigment
Long Fuse: 9 1/2 x 12 x 6 inches; Short Fuse: 4 1/8 x 8 x 8 inches; Crate: 11 x 22 x 22 inches
Long Fuse edition 3/10
Short Fuse edition 9/10
Crate unique

Jeanne Silverthorne
Miscellaneous Rubber Crates, 2008-2015
Platinum silicon rubber, wood

Jeanne Silverthorne
Frozen Dandelions, 2013
Platinum silicon rubber
9 x 10 1/2 x 9 inches
Edition 2/3

Jeanne Silverthorne
DNA Candelabra (Showing the beginning genetic sequences for depression, anxiety, addiction, anger and panic) on crate, 2007
Platinum silicon rubber, wood, wax
64 x 60 x 47 inches

Jeanne Silverthorne
Insomnia, 2014
Paper, plastic, paint
6 1/2 x 3 x 3 inches
Edition 1/3

Jeanne Silverthorne
Rolled Studio Floor with Weeds and Figure on Rubber Dolly, 2014
Platinum silicon rubber, wood
Rolled floor: 4 x 27 3/4 x 29 1/2 inches; Dolly: 3 3/4 x 33 1/2 x 20 1/2 inches