Exorcism, 2013
Natural pigments and opaque watercolor on handmade wasli paper
8 x 11 1/2 inches

Brahma, 2013
Opaque watercolor and natural pigments on handmade wasli paper
12 5/8 x 8 inches

Arrows to the sun, 2014
Shell gold and natural pigments on handmade wasli paper
10 x 8 inches

Hamza, 2014
Shell gold, opaque watercolor and natural pigments on handmade wasli paper
7 3/8 x 10 inches
Rakshuss, 2014
Shell gold and natural pigments on handmade wasli paper
9 6/8 x 13 inches

Naturaja, 2014
Natural pigments on handmade wasli paper
6 1/2 x 8 inches

Purusha, 2014
Shell gold and natural pigments on handmade wasli paper
7 7/8 x 12 1/2 inches

Tower, 2011
Opaque watercolor on wasli paper
11 x 8 inches

Ghosts VIII, 2012
Opaque watercolor and natural pigments on dollar bill
2 1/2 x 6 1/8 inches)

Ghosts VII, 2012
Opaque watercolor and natural pigments on dollar bill
6 1/8 x 2 1/2 inches